Laser show training according to O-NIRSA
New regulation in Switzerland regarding laser shows: On 27 February 2019, the Federal Council issued the Ordinance on Protection against Hazards from Non-Ionising Radiation and Sound (O-NIRSA). This specifies the requirements defined in the NIRSA .
According to this, from December 2020, an operator with expertise is required for each performance of a laser show. This expertise is defined in two stages:
Certificate of competence level 1 according to O-NIRSA
The certificate of competence Level 1 can be obtained by attending a one-day training course and passing the examination. It enables the performance of laser shows without public exposure.
Certificate of competence level 2 according to O-NIRSA
The certificate of competence level 2 can be obtained by attending a four-day training course and passing the examination. It qualifies to perform laser shows without and with audience irradiation.
The competent person with a certificate of competence level 1 may also perform a laser show with audience irradiation if a competent person with a certificate of competence level 2 has prepared and set it up and instructed the holder of the certificate of competence level 1.
Laser show certificate of competence - training dates
Sachkundenachweis - Ausbildung nach V-NISSG
Pré-inscription: Formation Validation de Compétences
Vorabregistrierung: Sachkundenachweis - Lasershow
Vorabregistrierung: Sachkundebestätigung - Lasershow
Pré-inscription: Formation Attestation de Compétence

Further information on the future use of show lasers for laser shows in Switzerland
The O-NIRSA specifies the requirements resulting from the NISRA and regulates responsibilities in a new way. For operators of show laser systems in particular, there are new regulations which are structured as follows:
O-NIRSA sec. 12 (V-NISSG, translated) Event without laser radiation in the public area
1.) Any person who conducts an event without laser radiation in the public area at which a laser device of Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B or 4 is operated must employ a person in accordance with paragraph 2 letter a for this purpose.
2.) The person operating the laser equipment must:
a. hold a certificate of competence level 1 in accordance with Article 16(1)(a) or a certificate of competence in accordance with Article 16(1)(b);
b. comply with the specifications according to Annex 3 Number 1.1;
c. notify the FOPH of the information in accordance with Annex 3 sections 2.1 and 2.2 via the FOPH's notification portal no later than 14 days before the start of the event.
O-NISRA sec. 13 (V-NISSG, translated) Event with laser radiation in the public area
1.) Any person who conducts an event with laser radiation in the public area at which laser equipment of Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B or 4 is operated must employ a person in accordance with paragraph 2 letter a for this purpose.
2.) The person operating the laser equipment must:
a. hold a certificate of competence level 2 in accordance with Article 16 paragraph 1 letter b;
b. comply with the specifications according to Annex 3 Number 1.2;
c. notify the FOPH of the information in accordance with Annex 3 sections 2.1 and 2.3 via the FOPH's notification portal no later than 14 days before the start of the event.
3.) A person with a certificate of competence level 2 may use a person with a certificate of competence level 1 instructed by him/her to monitor an event with laser radiation in the audience area.